
The long way round

I've been looking forward to this weekend for roughly six months and it didn't disappoint.
Friday night came and went with a lot of singing, a lot of bizarrely named cocktails and a decent amount of pasta. It being my friends birthday, she was very drunk but I was very sober as I had to get up freakishly early the following morning. I arrived at Charlie's hyped on too much sugar and girly company and proceeded to fall asleep halfway through KING KONG. I didn't even see them make it to the island, one for another time again. Must stop falling asleep halfway through films. Charlie, who must have been having very lewd thoughts decided to wake me up and for reasons best kept to myself I didn't get back to sleep till about half past three, which wasn't good as the alarm clock was set for seven thirty.
Saturday came to find me very tired and blurry eyed which was understandably bad as Charlie and I were off to Birmingham for the bike show. I'm a motorbike lover and having been practically raised on them, this show is one of the major events of my year. I relish getting a good look at the new models and actually being able to get on them is almost orgasmic. This was Charlie's first show and he gamely came along with me, not really sure what to expect. He's now in lust with a Harley nighttrain along with any Ducati that crosses his field of vision. It was a wonderful day but very tiring. The journey home felt like it took forever and both of us couldn't wait to get out of the car by the end. Nice hot delivered Chinese food put an end to the day with me once again falling asleep at roughly seven, halfway through Texas chainsaw massacre 2. We didn't wake up again until about half past eight Sunday morning, even Charlies snoring didn't wake me.

Sunday was a wonderfully lazy day as I barely have the energy to think let alone much else. A quick trip to morrisons, bacon and egg English muffins and a few good films. The Incredibles (my choice) and The Fly (Charles choice) both I really enjoyed.
Work on Monday, in at seven, someone save me.