
Life, The universe and everything

Its been a little while since I've posted, not because nothing has happened more because I cant think of anything to say. I've been on holiday this past week. Its been wonderful, I've spent a fortune on DVD's and a lot of time with Charlie whom I love to bits. Having had my car breakdown on Wednesday put a bit of a downer on things but after a little negotiation with my mum I am now driving her Ford Puma, which to be honest sucks. It drives like a roller skate and is way too sensitive.

Friday 18th November ~ I worked during the day then went to Jans house to load The Sims on to her daughters PC. I had expected it to take along time but eight o'clock saw me running out the door to pick up Charlie leaving her to finish installing the last expansion pack.

Saturday 19th November ~ I had, Being a dumb ass, volunteered to work in the morning testing our now system during its roll out. What started out as a nice easy ride on double pay slowly turned in to a living hell, With everything that could go wrong going wrong in a short space of time. Cue a lot of pleading, begging and shouting. I finally left at about four, leaving behind a hell of a lot of work but hey I had a party to get ready for!. The aforementioned party was actually a wedding reception for two of Charlies friends. The evening started badly with our taxi not showing up but when we finally got there It was great. An amazingly bad Wedding band and great food. I had a wonderful time.

Sunday 20th November ~ Sundays usually see Charlie and I hitting the shops followed by the sheets and this weekend was no exception. We watched a few films. Shawn of the dead which was hilarious, Batman, a classic and an old favorite followed by Commando, all I can say is that's one big horny gay commando!

Monday 21st November ~ Lazed around with the intention of doing a lot but did nothing.

Tuesday 22nd November ~ My mum had the day off so we went to Clark's village shopping. I had a good time, didn't spend too much but did come home with new boots. Naughty naughty Lisa, must learn to control this foot wear obsession.

Wednesday 22nd November ~ I picked Charlie up from work and wee hit the mall again. Tried to go home but my car wouldn't start. Cue a panicked phone call to my dad. He arrived and after a failed attempt to jump start the car I called Green flag. I was charged Seventy two pounds just to get some guy to come out and look at it! The woman was rude, aggressive and not very reassuring. I wanted to be rescued not given a mouth full of abuse. After ten minutes on the phone a nice man was sent to rescue me. He arrived within twenty minutes and with a wave of his magic wand, or banging my starter engine with a big stick, started my car.

Thursday 23rd November ~ I really can't remember what I did. Is that bad?

Friday 24th November ~ Managed to convince my mum that I can drive her car and that I wont crash it. She said yes so off I went to Charlies. Cue great food, great films and great "cuddling"

Saturday 25th November ~ Not having a car is really starting to cramp my social life. Crawling around for permition to borrow my mums is becoming humiliating. I want my baby back!

Sunday 26th November ~ Got up way too late to do much, that my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Off to Charlies in a bit.