
Ain't love grand!?!

I haven't posted in the longest time but I have been stupidly busy. Work is occupying way too much of my mind, not to mention the upcoming xmas bull shite.
My one savior through this has been my love, Charlie and this redesign is dedicated to him. I love him completely even though I don't tell him half as much as I should. Damn aren't I sickening??
Off to see the long awaited King Kong tomorrow night. Hopefully it will live up to Charlies expectations, I just hope I can go the three hours without needing a cigarette.
Friday night Charlie and I are out for xmas drinks with some of his friends. God I hope they like me and I don't do anything really daft.
Saturday is to be spent shopping woohoo I've already done (and wrapped) all my xmas shopping so we are going for Charlies pressys and to find an acceptable Padme outfit for me to wear on New years eve. As Charlie really wants to go as Anakin I have to go as a obviously pregnant padme, not that I mind! I love a chance to get really dressed up and wear a wig but its going to take a lot of work and a lot of time so sunday im going to drag Charlie home with me for his first fitting. I've got to get started or we are never going to be ready.